Minerva Scientifica Birthday Celebrations – Rosalind Franklin
25th July 2021
Rosalind Franklin
X-ray Crystallographer & Biophysicist
BORN 1920, Notting Hill, London
Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958) was the pioneering British crystallographer whose photo 51 revealed the double helix structure of DNA. Extraordinarily talented, she died tragically young, but had already carried out ground-breaking research that tackled our greatest modern challenge – viruses.
“Virus in molecular mode” by Frances M Lynch(composer) and Shelley James (artist) was created as part of the electric voice theatre centenary celebrations Happy Birthday Rosalind Franklin! Click Here to DOWNLOAD PDF of full Text
Click here for more of our celebrations
Rosalind Franklin (1920-58)
Buy electric voice theatre’s “Franklin Effect” CD on ebay now